วันเสาร์ที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

week 4

Yesterday I went to the cinema. My old friend was waiting me there and we stayed at the department store for the afternoon cause today such a hottest day. At first we plan to watch some movie but this week the movie was not interested so we decide to go to my place. I go to my place by taxi today I didn’t drive. After we arrive our destination my mom cooked a spaghetti for us and we ordered some more the pizza from the pizza company we wait the passenger about 30 minute and when the pizza arrive there are gone in 10 minute I think that cause we are very hungry. In the evening we play a card it was a kind of monopoly we play a card for 3 hour and we can’t find the winner so we decide to change the new game. Finally we choose to play my new playstation and the time flew so fast we actually don’t know what time is it so when we look at the clock it’s quite late night so my mom invited my friend to stay overnight with me. That night we didn’t slept we talked all the night I was very happy that I can stay overnight with my lovely friend again. I didn’t slept with them since I leave the boarding school. That is 2 year ago. We watch the vediotape that I record it when I was in the school it was the impressive moment when we watch it again we really miss that moment I feel I miss the school miss my friend and also my teacher I think that my school also my best memories that never change. Every time when I have some problem that make me feel like I stay in this world alone my friend will relieve my problem and we will solved together. I didn’t know what time I was slept but when I opening my eyes cause my mom wake me up I feel very sleepy. That day I only have the economic class in the afternoon so I can continue sleep for several hour.

Today I ordinary went to the university I have a Tax law class in the early morning and my English class in the afternoon. today I plan to go to shopping at Ramkumhang street. I want to buy a law book because it’s easy to read more than the university book I think this book it use a simple word that can explain clearly more than the university book. My senior told me since my first semester that I should find this book foe guide me to do the examination. I went to Ramkumhang Street with Pim and Bell we love shopping but that day we just only buy the book. Actually we want to continue shopping but we met someone that was not to trust. He was frighten us he tried to talk with us but he seem like insane. I was very afraid I walk very fast and also my friend too. We stay in the book shop for a long time and we peek up this man that he still there or not after we sure that he wasn’t there we get out of the book and we find the nearest taxi to went back the university Today was very exciting and also frightening.

Today is Saturday I went out for my friend’s birthday party with my close friend at the new place down “Thong Lor” it’s not just opening I mean it was new to me. I haven’t been to this place before. This place was nice and have a lot of people in there . I couldn’t stayy that I had a great night. The music was so so they have tape music and mix music. I prefer live music that why I didn’t impress this place so much. I was not drinking. Two of my friends had an argument with their boyfriends. There were eight of us so we had to split the table. Maybe we didn’t have to but the guys wanted to sit outside it was quieter. I think the man are not want to dance like the women we wanted to be where we can dance. So the whole scene looked like the boyfriends sat at one table outside spying on us
The number of the people who know m exceed the number of those I know. I don’t smoke and I was not drinking that night. However I do dance and act crazy I think that the night was mine. I leave the pub about 2 pm I was fine cause. I was not drinking and not get any drunk so I can drive home safely.

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