วันเสาร์ที่ 8 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

week 4

Yesterday I went to the cinema. My old friend was waiting me there and we stayed at the department store for the afternoon cause today such a hottest day. At first we plan to watch some movie but this week the movie was not interested so we decide to go to my place. I go to my place by taxi today I didn’t drive. After we arrive our destination my mom cooked a spaghetti for us and we ordered some more the pizza from the pizza company we wait the passenger about 30 minute and when the pizza arrive there are gone in 10 minute I think that cause we are very hungry. In the evening we play a card it was a kind of monopoly we play a card for 3 hour and we can’t find the winner so we decide to change the new game. Finally we choose to play my new playstation and the time flew so fast we actually don’t know what time is it so when we look at the clock it’s quite late night so my mom invited my friend to stay overnight with me. That night we didn’t slept we talked all the night I was very happy that I can stay overnight with my lovely friend again. I didn’t slept with them since I leave the boarding school. That is 2 year ago. We watch the vediotape that I record it when I was in the school it was the impressive moment when we watch it again we really miss that moment I feel I miss the school miss my friend and also my teacher I think that my school also my best memories that never change. Every time when I have some problem that make me feel like I stay in this world alone my friend will relieve my problem and we will solved together. I didn’t know what time I was slept but when I opening my eyes cause my mom wake me up I feel very sleepy. That day I only have the economic class in the afternoon so I can continue sleep for several hour.

Today I ordinary went to the university I have a Tax law class in the early morning and my English class in the afternoon. today I plan to go to shopping at Ramkumhang street. I want to buy a law book because it’s easy to read more than the university book I think this book it use a simple word that can explain clearly more than the university book. My senior told me since my first semester that I should find this book foe guide me to do the examination. I went to Ramkumhang Street with Pim and Bell we love shopping but that day we just only buy the book. Actually we want to continue shopping but we met someone that was not to trust. He was frighten us he tried to talk with us but he seem like insane. I was very afraid I walk very fast and also my friend too. We stay in the book shop for a long time and we peek up this man that he still there or not after we sure that he wasn’t there we get out of the book and we find the nearest taxi to went back the university Today was very exciting and also frightening.

Today is Saturday I went out for my friend’s birthday party with my close friend at the new place down “Thong Lor” it’s not just opening I mean it was new to me. I haven’t been to this place before. This place was nice and have a lot of people in there . I couldn’t stayy that I had a great night. The music was so so they have tape music and mix music. I prefer live music that why I didn’t impress this place so much. I was not drinking. Two of my friends had an argument with their boyfriends. There were eight of us so we had to split the table. Maybe we didn’t have to but the guys wanted to sit outside it was quieter. I think the man are not want to dance like the women we wanted to be where we can dance. So the whole scene looked like the boyfriends sat at one table outside spying on us
The number of the people who know m exceed the number of those I know. I don’t smoke and I was not drinking that night. However I do dance and act crazy I think that the night was mine. I leave the pub about 2 pm I was fine cause. I was not drinking and not get any drunk so I can drive home safely.

week 3

Today is my terrible day because I left my cell phone at home and I can’t contract anyone I can remember just my dad, my mom and my close friend number. Actually I’m a telephone addict. I like to talk very much I can talk all day long without take a rest. My friend said I’m obsessed with my phone and I decided it too. Today I was very upset because I can’t contract my friend I need to contract her because my book was with her and I need it back before my class started. I think I left my phone somewhere in my bedroom maybe it will be upper my bed or my dressing table I can remember that I talk with my sister before I went out and I already know that my phone was gone when I arrive the university because I want to know where are my friend in that moment. That day I was a completely silent day.
I often think of leaving my phone at home or bringing it but having turn off when I fed up but I never done it. I didn’t know why but I think when I start doing that I can’t stand to finish it. Today I tried to tell myself that no one would call me today or that if someone did, they would call me back if It’s important or lf they really want to talk with me. Today I went home early because I feel anxious.

Today I went to the university too late I spend my time in my car 2 hour. Because it was a car accident on my way and everything got stuck it can’t move I count the time that how long the police would come and clear the way I wait about 30 minute and it not have any a sign of police and not even their shadow. Another half an hour flew away the police still didn’t come. That moment I feel depressed that why Thai police away come to a spot where an accident happened so late I think if someone in that car was going to died and who can help them on time if a government officer working too late they will be dead. I continue wait until 2 hour pass. Then I saw a police man and some of the volunteers. After their cleat the way free I hurry to go on the university and that day I have a lot of the bad thing for my conversation with my friend.

Today I went to the university in the morning after my morning class I feel very sleepy and I feel a few rest for my afternoon class. Then I went to my friend’s dormitory that stay the other side of the university for just two or three hours for sleep. But then it’s one of those moments when you go to bed, but your mind is still working at such speed that it is difficult to fall asleep every ten minute my phone rings that time I just want to take a rest but I can’t do it as well I’m such a popular person in that day. Everyone tired to call me but I didn’t want to talk to anyone I never feel like that because I’m a telephone addict. But today I want to leave my phone home like 3 days ago.

This weekend I didn’t go everywhere I just stay at home and playing a new Playstaion3 that my gift from my aunt. I didn’t want to go out I canceled all my plan because my new game I play the game with my brother and we really enjoy it. I eat just only the breakfast I didn’t want to eat any food I just want to continue my game I even pause it. My dad arrange the dinner for us and this meal it was special cause my aunt just come back from the United state of America she went for doing her work foe a year and she always come back with the special gift every year. My dad cooking the roast chicken with honey that is my favorite food and also my dad best menu. That night we still talking until the morning and all the morning I fall asleep

week 2

First thing I do after I get up. I mean after I opening my eyes throwing my alarm clock across my bed room and actually getting my bed out of bed. Then I walk downstairs for searching some food or something that can be my breakfast , but before I start eating my meal, I look for my dearly beloved dog his name is “little tiger” but he doesn’t have to be there. I just want to know where he is and I need to find some food for him too. Sometimes he goes out for a walk in a lawn and playing his toy and sometime he hide my shoe and he also bite it that was terrible I was very angry him when he going to be a mad dog and I didn’t want he to have a bad behavior because it really hard to control.
I used to have a very good dog for 4 year and he died a few year back. After that I got a new puppy from my aunt. I think she give a puppy for me cause she didn’t want me to be sad and lonely she know that I really love that dog he is my first dog so I was to remember him. After I got a new puppy and named him same my first dog that actually dead. A week later he dead I was very shock in that situation I can’t go out side for a few day. After I get better my mom said to me that it’s unlucky to named the puppy after the last dog I didn’t argue with her but I should agree with her don’t it?


Today is Friday. This night I spent all the evening with my old friend “Gib”. It was very fun I plan to watch the movie cause this week there are many new interesting movie. I decide for a long time and also argue with my friend that what the movie that we should chose I want to watch Korean film but my friend want to watch Thai film. Finally I have won we choose the seat from the back about 2 role that it mean about role C or D. this movie is about a very fat girl but have a good looking boyfriend. And then she want to reduce her weight but she didn’t know how can she should do. Suddenly she choose to meet the a surgeon to asking for some information and some instruction and then she decide to operate all her body even her bone and her rib she cut it for the beautiful shape. After I finish the movie the time flew by so fast I’m very hungry and I this my friend was too. We went to a restaurant of Convent road call “eat me” it’s a nice little classy place. The menu is great they have section like “soup me”, “eat me”, “drink me” and “dessert me”.
After that we went to the coffee world near Silom station we just chat the night away and before we know it. It was 11 o’clock it’s not too late but today I really sleepy . When we left the coffee shop we saw the old women with his niece having dinner it was a impressive picture. We walk a bit long to car parking at Siom tower. While we walk seem like we went shopping because the both side of a sidewalk is full of a stand but I think it was a high cost cuase there are a lot of foreigner around Silom Street . I drive home and drop my friend at her house about 12 Pm.


Today I went to Pattaya with my family cause my mom said she want to eat seafood and I decide it too we drive about 2 hour. After we arrive Pattaya we went to the restaurant that beside the beach it’s really hot cause it still afternoon. we order a lot of food and there are very delicious. The employee introduce the new menu that it only have just this season that was a fresh tiny crab with uncooked. I eat it too much I think that was a great taste. But after I eat it about 3 or 4 hour I was very stomach-ache and I was throw up all the thing that I have in my stomach. I was exhausted then my dad bring me to the hospital. The doctor said I was infected by the fresh tiny crab and this disease is one kind of the diarrhea. I didn’t go to university for 2 days cause I was very sick.